Thursday, December 23, 2021

Thankful For Jesus' Birth | Thankful Thursday

Welcome back friends! We are wrapping up 2021 like last minute Christmas gifts! It has been a LONG year in many ways, but I think starting in November someone hit the fast-forward button. I feel a little lost around this time of year and I do not know if it is because my dad's Going Home was December 29 or if it's just because of all the end of the year stress, hustle and bustle, overwhelm, but it's a heavy feeling at times of disconnect.

It is times like this that I am thankful of the birth of Jesus Christ. Now, I know we have no idea when Jesus was born. We have some clues about the weather because there was a census taken and we know shepherds were in the field with the sheep. So, whether that is the same time of year as now or not, makes no difference to me. I am still just thankful Jesus Christ was born. I am so glad that He came.
LUKE 2:6-7 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
The Bible tells us that everyone was going to be taxed. Doesn't that sound like fun? I mean, think of it, you are about ready to deliver your baby and you have to travel to another town, about 70 miles, and not on paved roads in a comfortable vehicle. Some say Mary rode on a donkey, and if that was the case, that would not have been a pleasant experience for any length of time. Mary and Joseph were married at this point, though they had not consummated their marriage. And so you have a newlywed couple and this most unusual circumstance, and I have no doubt that it was all very stressful and overwhelming.

I am sure the roads were crowded and noisy. I can imagine people carrying carts behind animals with their belongings as everyone had to go back to their ancestral town for this census. It would have been frustrating to stop and start again as people would have no doubt crossed paths with one another, perhaps bumping into each other. It would bring a new sense of fatigue to an already tiresome journey.

Once they reach Bethlehem, they are trying to find somewhere to stay. Joseph surely tried his best to find somewhere, anywhere to take his new bride. I can imagine his heart sank with every rejection. The need for somewhere to stay was far greater than the capacity to hold everyone who came and I am sure that many were turned away. 

Now, it was not like they were just going to check in with the census and leave. So they stayed and many people were most likely waiting to participate. I am sure the turn out was greater than the availability of people to register everyone, so they must have come up with a system to have a certain number of people come per day. We know that she finished her last trimester there in Bethlehem and then our Savior was born.

I am thinking back 14 years ago, and 20 years ago to when I had my children. I made sure I bought them a cute little outfit to wear home. I had adorable clothes for both my children from things their dad and I purchased as well as the many gifts our loving family and friends showered us with. Mary did not have a sweet little outfit for baby Jesus. She had to wrap baby Jesus in swaddling clothes. Do you know what swaddling clothes are used for? Shepherds used them to wrap baby lambs tightly in these cloths so they could be examined for blemishes. The Lamb of God was wrapped in similar fashion. I am sure this would have had great significance to the shepherds who were out in the field and the angels heralded His birth to them.

My babies were given soft bassinets to lay in when they were infants. Jesus was laid in a trough where animals would eat. Definitely not an ideal setting for anyone. How many of us would complain to our new husbands that the conditions we were staying in were unacceptable? How much more would they be inappropriate for the Son of God to lay His precious head in a manger? Yet, we never hear of Mary nor Joseph complaining about their circumstances. Could it be that they were just so mesmerized by the sight of God's own Son in their arms? Were they just content to be wherever He was?

The shepherds were given the glorious birth announcement when He was born. They were told where to find Him and how to find Him. So they decided to go see for themselves. They found the baby Jesus just like they were told He would be in a manger with swaddling clothes. And the shepherds told everyone they knew what had happened. Everyone who heard about it were amazed, but Mary treasured these things in her heart and often thought about them.

I do not know what it was like to be Mary. What a great responsibility she had. She did not always get things right. Remember the time they left Jesus behind and it was a day's journey before they discovered they lost Him? I wonder what terror filled her heart. It would be terrifying to lose any child, but this child was the Son of God. He was very special and I am sure she was protective of Him. After all there were those who tried to kill Him since birth.

We never were told what Jesus liked to do as a child, what His favorite snacks were, when He learned to walk, if He was left-handed or right-handed, or was he ambidextrous? What was Jesus like as a teenager? Was He helpful without being asked? We just don't know those things and I think it is nice that it was a mystery. Each stage of parenting is so hard and different, but yet rewarding. The hardest part of being Jesus' mother had to be to see Him after they tortured Him and then slung Him on a cross, nailed in His hands and His feet. I can tell you that would have been the worst thing a mother could ever go through.

I am so thankful that we celebrate that Jesus came. I do not get caught up in the religious legalism that demands we do not know when He was born and therefore we should not celebrate a pagan holiday like Christmas. I know that we do not know when He was born. We just know that He was. So instead of the emphasis being on the decorations, parties, snacks and treats, presents, and gatherings. Let's choose to keep Jesus as the focus of our holiday. He is the true reason for this season. He is the hope we have now and always. The birth of Jesus is a gift to the whole world. It is the best gift any of us can receive.

I hope you have unwrapped the gift of salvation. It is found in Jesus Christ alone. You cannot be saved by being good enough, kind enough, generous enough. It is a free gift that you cannot earn, and it's a great thing because we are not good enough on our own. We are not worthy of His love and saving grace but He chose us and loved us before we ever loved Him. So please accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you have done that, welcome to the family of God! Angels rejoice at the decision to follow Jesus Christ. You will never want to exchange this gift for anything else. Nothing will ever compare to it and it can never be taken back or away from you! You are sealed with His blood when you accept Jesus as your Savior and Redeemer.

I hope you have a wonderful Thursday as you reflect on the things you are thankful for this season. I am also thankful for all of you who comment or message me about how much these blog posts mean to you. I am going to make a better effort to post on schedule in 2022. By God's grace and strength, I will post a Bible study lesson each Wednesday and a post about what I am thankful for each Thursday and then finish the week and kick off the weekend with some food for thought in Fuel For The Weekend every Friday. I hope to have a video uploaded to YouTube each week on Saturday or Sunday, as well. I am still trying to figure that out.

I have a few announcements to make soon, but until then God bless you and have a blessed day!


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