Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving | Thankful Thursday

Welcome to my Thankful Thursday blog post! The LORD was impressing on my heart to carve out a section on my blog to share what I am thankful for. I call this my Thankful Thursday blog posts. I think it is fitting, since here in the USA we celebrate Thanksgiving today. I will continue to share what I am thankful for, each week, so be sure to come back to my blog and we can count our blessings together.

Praying you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!
You are all as sweet as pumpkin pie to me!
Praying you are surrounded with family and friends you love!
I am thankful for God's goodness and mercy that never ends! Thank You, Jesus!
Everyone needs a little sparkle in their holidays!
My niece sent me this cute little turkey!
Friends, my heart is so full of thanksgiving and gratitude. God has blessed me and my family with so many wonderful things! He has sustained us for these three months without jobs. He has given us a wonderful home that we love. We have our health and even though my children are fighting sinus issues and viral stomach bugs, we are grateful that we have overall good health. I am thankful for the job the LORD has given to me! I start next Monday! I am thankful for the job my husband is getting soon. They are calling him Monday to talk about it! I am thankful for provision and protection as we traveled to and from Indiana to see our families. I am thankful for two Thanksgiving feasts there. I am thankful for time spent laughing and talking with them. I am thankful that God called our family to live here in Mobile, Alabama! We are so blessed to have this wonderful opportunity to live and work for the LORD together here. I am thankful for all the kindness that we have been shown, the new friends we have made, the money given to us, the bills paid on our behalf, and the peace in our hearts.

I received word this morning from my dear friend that God is answering a BIG prayer we have been praying and believing God to move on for a LONG, LONG time! God is so faithful! Never give up! God is working and His time is never ours. We don't always like to hear that, but when we realize it's true, we will have an easier time waiting patiently for our blessings.

I am thankful that Jesus was born, lived on this earth that I now live on, and walked among us. He came to love, heal, and forgive. He gave His life's blood as the supreme sacrifice, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. He died once for all and His blood paid the price for my sins, so I can go free! Isn't God so wonderful to have sent His only Son? I am so thankful! I am thankful Jesus was willing to obey His Father and do this extremely generous act of love for all mankind. I am thankful Jesus is my LORD and Savior! He has redeemed me and I am His! He is my King and my heart rejoices in knowing so many of you are His children, too!

Whether you live in the United States of America, or are abroad, I want to wish you a wonderful day, a season of being thankful and grateful for the many blessings we have, and I pray this is a joyous time for you. If you are not with family, friends, or loved ones, I pray a special blessing on you and that you might meet up with others who are alone during the holidays as well. I pray for all those sweet men and women in the nursing homes and shut in their homes. I pray they will feel God's love and experience joy in their hearts today. I pray for those in the hospitals, institutions, jails, and prisons. I pray for all of those working in the healthcare industry, fire and rescue, police, military, and service workers to keep the roads clean and nice. I pray you all have a wonderful day. Remember there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for! 

God bless you!

~Bridgett Owens

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