Thursday, November 21, 2019

Psalm 95 | Thankful Thursday

Welcome to my Thankful Thursday blog post! The LORD was impressing on my heart to carve out a section on my blog to share what I am thankful for. I have started it and will call this my Thankful Thursday blog posts. I think it is fitting, since here in the USA we celebrate Thanksgiving this month. I will continue to share what I am thankful for, each week, so be sure to come back to my blog and we can count our blessings together.

O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms.

I am enjoying this psalm! O come, let us sing unto the LORD. That is so inviting. Let's make a group effort to come together with singing as we praise our King of kings and LORD of lords. Can you just imagine, gathering together and the voices blending in perfect harmony as the melody floats up toward the throne of God?

Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. He is not just worthy of our songs, but all joyful noise as we lift our voices and celebrate our great God Jehovah! He is not sinking sand, shifting sand, or quick sand. He is the ROCK of our salvation. He won't move. He won't break. He won't fall apart with all of our concerns, worries, problems, and prayers. He is steady and strong and holds us up.

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving. May our hearts overflow with thankfulness as we begin to praise Him for the things He has done. God we magnify You now for the miracles You have performed in our lives. We thank You for the breath we breathe. We thank You for the healing touch. We thank You for the joy You give so freely. We thank You for food to eat, clothing to wear, shelter to keep us dry and safe and warm. God we glorify Your great name, the name of Jesus, the name that is above every other name, the only name given among men whereby we might be saved. I thank You for the way you make when there seems to be none. I thank You for reversing the bad report we were given. I thank You for opening doors no man can close, and closing doors no man can open. I thank You for Your great love and tender mercy that is new every morning. Thank You for all the wonderful ways You have blessed my life. Thank You for this blog and for every reader that stumbles upon it, God, as they did not come here by accident.

Friends, let's make a joyful noise to Him with psalms. Let's lift our voices high and magnify our great God and King. Let's tell Him how much He means to us. Let's not be ashamed. We tell others how much we appreciate them. We compliment total strangers on their outward appearance. We are not ashamed to lift our voice and speak our minds about many things, so let us use our voice for good. Let's glorify our God now. Let's use this time on this Thankful Thursday to make a joyful noise as we celebrate the marvelous God who loves us so much and has done so much on our behalf.

If He has done anything at all, ever answered a prayer, ever wiped away a tear, ever fed you when you were hungry, comforted you when you were lonely, been a friend and a Father to you, lift up your voice and thank Him. Tell Him how much you love Him. Tell Him how worthy He is to be praised. There is no God like Jehovah! There is NO GOD like JEHOVAH!!! There is none like Him!

I am thankful I know who He is and I am so thankful that He knows me, too. He knows my name. He knows the very number of hairs on my head. He knows me inside and out. He has great plans for me. He has plans and dreams and hopes for me that are for good and perfect gifts with my name on it, straight from His throne. He gives me mercy, grace, peace, love, forgiveness, joy unspeakable and full of glory. I would not trade anything on this earth for my relationship with Him. Do you love Him, too? Let Him know. He deserves to be told. He needs to hear from you today. No matter how good or bad the day started, just thank Him and praise Him for all He is and all He has been and all He will ever be because He is the God that does not change! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is righteous and true! He is worthy of praise!

I exalt You God. I lift nothing above You. I place nothing in Your place God. I lift You high and magnify Your great name. You are my Abba Father. You are my Jehovah Rapha. You are my Jehovah Jireh. You are my Jehovah Shalom. You are my all in all. You are the lifter of my head. You lift me up and set my feet on the high places. You raise me higher and higher in You and I desire to be where You are. I want to sit near You, at Your feet, and just thank You that You would even find me worthy to love me and care for me like You do. You pursue me. You love me. You never leave me. You are always there.

Oh God I love You so much! I thank You for being You! I thank You and love You. I cannot tell You enough.

Just keep praising Him, friends. He is worthy. If we can hoop and holler and shout for our favorite ball team or singer or whatever else we scream about, we can surely give our highest and best praise to the One and Only Almighty God!

~Bridgett Owens

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