Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Psalm 4 | Wednesday Bible Study

This week we are in Psalms chapter 4. The eight verses are a prayer of David to God. If you have not taken the time to read today's passage, do that now and then we will continue with today's study. 

Verse one begins with David addressing the God of his righteousness. He is asking God to hear his prayer. He praises God by recalling that it was God who relieved David when he was distressed. He asks God for mercy and again to hear his prayer. Have we been there? Have we ever wanted God to hear us and we even throw in some praises about how God has met our needs before? It is sort of like we are encouraging ourselves, or maybe convincing ourselves that our problem is really not too big for God to solve. Here David is asking for mercy and to be heard. We all just want to be acknowledged, don't we? We just need to know that our concerns matter.

Verse two David addresses his enemies. He wants to know how long they will dishonor him. He wants to know how long they will love vain words and seek after lies. Have you ever been there? Sometimes we are doing the things that are right and pleasing in God's sight and we meet opposition on every side. Someone is always trying to tear us down and wound us. If we have a good reputation, others seek to tarnish it.

Verse three David continues to address his enemies. He tells them God has set apart a people who are holy. David informs them that God in heaven hears when he calls. I think we miss this part a lot. We do not want to offend anyone, or make ourselves a bigger target, so we just "mind our own business" and do not call out the wrong. David clearly has boldness when he tells them that God has set apart a people who follow after Him. David includes himself in that and says that he has a relationship with God. How often do we see others doing wrong and we just remain silent? This verse encourages me to share my faith with others, especially unbelievers. How else will they know?

Verse four David is still talking to his foes. Here he is imploring them to search out their own hearts, to not sin, and then adds Selah at the end of this verse, which means to pause in His presence. He is asking for the unrepentant to take a close look at their actions and intentions; to search their heart and turn from it. Again, how often are we asking others to change their behavior to a way that honors God? It is hard to get into people's personal space like that, but it is so important! There are people who are kind and good and gentle and they are going to hell because they never accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. There are people who are rude, obnoxious, self-serving and they are going to hell if they do not repent and turn from their wicked ways. We have the answer and it is so important to share the secret of salvation, Jesus Christ!

Verse five David tells them plainly to offer sacrifices of righteousness and put their trust in the Lord. Before Jesus came to the earth, sacrifices had to be made for sin. David is essentially asking them to put faith in a God they cannot see. This was a time of idol worship and David is clearly trying to show them that there is a God in heaven and He is the only One who can help them. Since Jesus died for our sins we can put our faith in Him because we know He died for our sins. We no longer need to kill an animal to sacrifice it to cover our sins. Jesus' blood covers and cleanses us from all filthiness of the flesh and makes us whole. (2 Corinthians 7:1)

Verse six David said there are so many who want to see GOOD in the world, so then He addresses God and asks Him to light up the world with the glory of His countenance. It is a beautiful illustration. Our world is dark and lonely and seeking good but they cannot find it apart from God. David asks God to show the world how good He is. Are we praying this? Our world today is dark and gloomy and dismayed and everyone is searching for life beyond the pandemic, and ease in circumstances. The truth is we don't have to wait for better days. We can experience all the fruits of the Spirit every day that we serve Jesus. We need to be praying, God shine the light of Your face on us again!

Verse seven David is doing a comparison in this verse. He says the people are ecstatic when their harvest yields abundantly and produces wine. There is great joy in seeing the fruition of their hard work and they enjoyed drinking wine. David said that God put so much gladness in in his heart that it was even more joy than they could ever experience over a good harvest. In today's terms, someone may be happy to win the lottery or come into a great sum of money, but God's goodness and joy far surpasses even those feelings. There is nothing like the joy of the Lord that He puts down into the hearts of those who trust in Him.

Verse eight Sometimes we see the hardships, the negativity, and the pain and it keeps us up at night. Sleep is hard to come by. We may toss and turn, worry, complain, and we just don't rest well. David found the solution to insomnia. He has acknowledged God, requested to be heard by Him, and recalls how faithful God is. He faces the problem head on and realizes it is God alone that can solve it, so he asks those who are lost to follow God and repent. He remembers the joy God brings him and now he is content. He is no longer upset or worried. He is at peace knowing God will take care of everything. Now David says he can lay down in peace and sleep because God alone makes him live in safety.

What a wonderful example of how to pray for others. It is a timely illustration of how to witness to those who are unsaved. It is also a beautiful reminder of how we can truly have joy, peace, and rest when we hand over all of our troubles to God. Isn't He so wonderful? If you have not experience the love, peace, and joy of knowing Jesus Christ as your Savior, I hope that today is your day of salvation. Do not put it off. You do not want to miss heaven for the world!

I hope you have been encouraged by today's message. It has been a real pleasure to break the bread with you all today. I hope something I have shared with you has been strength for your journey and light for your way. Have a wonderful Wednesday and may God bless you!

~Bridgett Owens

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