Thursday, January 6, 2022

What Is Love? How Should We Love? | Thankful Thursday


Thankful for love???

Love is a word that is thrown around all of the time. It is one of the most overused words in the English vocabulary. We love ice cream. We love sunny days. We love weekends. We love paydays. We may enjoy those things and really like them, but to emphasize how much we care for those things we say we love them. I did an experiment a few years ago. I intentionally listened to times I said I love something. I would immediately correct it. I might have said, "Oh I love this show!" I heard myself say that and I was like, wait a minute, I do not love this show. I like it and enjoy watching it, but I do not love this show. So then I said, "I mean, I really like this show." And whoever I was talking to would kind of laugh it off and probably thought I was crazy because we are so accustomed to hearing love be thrown around like confetti at a New Year's party.

I want to share some scriptures on what the Bible says love is and a few verses about how the Bible says we should love. Valentine's Day will be coming up in mid-February. In stores now you will find Valentine's Day themed cards, mugs, kitchen towels, fuzzy throw blankets and more. Our culture will try to insist that it is a day of love and encourage us to spend as much money we can on candy, flowers, cards, and decorations. It is insinuated that if one does not participate in purchasing this plethora of loveliness, then our love may not be sincere. I do not care to discuss the practices of our modern age. I want to go to the Ancient of Days and hear what He has to say about it; after all, God is love. He loves us and it is something He does well. It is a part of His character. God is love. You cannot have love apart from Him. If you are curious about what the Bible has to say about the subject of love, you will enjoy today's blog post.
PROVERBS 10:12 Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.

In Proverbs, King Solomon shares his wisdom about love and hate. He says that hatred stirs up strife. When a person hates another person, it is difficult for the two to have a civil conversation. Instead of listening with an open mind, they are tainted by their feelings for one another and a simple statement can lead to an argument. One might say, "I didn't mean it like that." The other person may reply, "It sounded that way to me. You are always saying things like that." And on and on it goes. Hatred is the opposite of love. You take two people in love with one another and mention a flaw the one has and listen for the comment they make. "Oh, I don't know. I think he is cute when he's angry." And say something to him about her, "That's just something I love about her." They overlook one another's flaws because they love one another. This happens a lot after someone dies. Many times you would think the deceased was the perfect person to walk the face of the earth. No one but Jesus is perfect but when we love someone, we tend to focus on their good features and we overlook their faults. The Bible says love covers all sin. There is no record keeping. It is just loving each other and realizing we are all human.

PROVERBS 15:17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox (fatted calf) and hatred therewith.

What a picture this proverb is! It is better to have a nice salad with love in the home than eat a juicy steak dinner where you are hated. The food will taste better when you are enjoying a meal with someone you love than if you are elbow to elbow with someone who hates you. Think of that concept. Have you ever been somewhere and you could cut the tension with a knife? The meal is just not as enjoyable and I have been known to lose my appetite in the middle of conflict. If I am on a date with my wonderful husband and we are eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches it would be far tastier than a meal mixed with strife.

MATTHEW 24:12 And because iniquity (lawlessness) shall abound, the love of many shall wax (grow) cold.

In the New Testament, the disciples privately approached Jesus to ask Him to give them some things to look for signifying the end of the world. Jesus wanted them to know what to watch for, and He wanted us to know, so that we were not deceived. He wanted it to be crystal clear what would happen as time marched on and our world's end was nearing. We are in the end times. I am not saying the world will end tomorrow, but we are in the final chapters of this world's existence and just like you can see the book pages getting fewer and fewer as you approach the end of the novel, Jesus gave us some things to watch for, too. 

How interesting that we find a correlation to lawlessness and a decrease in love. Jesus said that because iniquity would increase and things would get worse instead of better, many people would love less. This is so evident today. People who once would smile and wave, even though you were strangers, today are fearful and do not even make eye contact. No one wants to be in close proximity to others because of sickness abounding in our world. I held the door for an elderly couple and they stood there looking at me, not sure if they should slide past me holding the door for them. I grew up doing this and it's second nature to me, to hold the door for someone who is older or disabled. People commit crimes and instead of knowing whether the person arrested is actually guilty or not, we have already sentenced them to life with no parole. Look at this country right now, the UNITED States of America has been the disjointed and disconnected States of America. There is division about nearly every topic on anyone's minds and it is ripping this country apart at the seams. The love of many is definitely growing cold.

JOHN 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if he have love one to another.

Jesus taught us that the world is watching us. They are looking at how we treat one another. The moment we start acting like the world, passing judgment instead of offering grace, we lose our witness. Jesus said the world will know we belong to Him if we love one another. The world may lose their minds and treat each other with malice and unforgiveness but it should not be done in the Church. The Body of Christ, God's chosen people, should not be named among those who are disrespectful, unthankful, and unholy. It should not be! It is our biggest witness that we love Jesus and that He loves them! If I am verbally wounding others who have not yet come to Christ because I think my righteousness will get me somewhere, I will never win anyone to Christ. My righteousness is as filthy rags according to Isaiah 64:6. If I hear of someone struggling with addiction and I come alongside them, offer them some hope, help, and grace, then they are more willing to listen to me speak about Jesus. They do not care what I have to say until they realize they are not in danger of venomous words. We have to love others!

JOHN 15:10-14 If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love; even as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in His love. These things have I spoken unto you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is My commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are My friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.

Jesus once again tells us what to do to love like He did. He was willing to lay down His life for us and if we are willing to do the same, then we are going to honor Him. You may not actually have to take a bullet for someone. You may not have to die for a neighbor or someone, but then again, you may. Look at the firefighters who run in to burning buildings when everyone else is running out. Look at the courageous men and women in the military willing to leave home, family, friends, and all they own to die for their country if it is required. Think of the incredibly brave men and women and children all over the globe who will die with Jesus on their lips instead of denying Him and living a longer life. This is the greatest form of love. To love others more than your own life.

I am so thankful that Jesus loves me so much that He died for me. He died for all of us. He chose obedience which meant death on a cruel cross, for sins He never committed. His motivation, the driving force behind His decision, was love for the Father and love for us. He was the only One able to redeem us. So He did. I am so thankful for the times He explained what love is and how to love and how to live in a loving way to honor Him. I barely scratched the surface of what all the Bible says about love. I will end with one last scripture on love. It sums it all up and it is for every single human on the face of the planet. No discrimination. No rules. No regulations. No money required nor accepted. It is a free gift of grace and mercy and love.

JOHN 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

What a beautiful promise He offers all of us. Do not let the day end like it began. Trust the Savior. Put your hand in His nail scarred hands and let Him lead you Home. He loves you so much. Accept Him as Lord and Savior. Pray earnestly from your heart and allow Him to set you free. You will never regret it and you will truly never be the same again.

I hope that something I shared about love today has given you strength for your journey and light for your way.

God bless you,
Bridgett Owens

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