Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Psalm 25 | Wednesday Bible Study

Welcome back to Bible Study Wednesday! This year God has pressed upon my heart to study the book of Psalms. Each Wednesday we take a closer look at a new chapter. Today we are going to chapter 25. If you have not done so, please take the time to read through these 22 verses. I will be sharing some thoughts about today's passage and break down this chapter below. Please pray and ask Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes and ears to receive everything He has to teach you in today's passage. Let's begin!

This is another psalm composed by David. This particular psalm is like a prayer that we might pray when we face difficult circumstances and obstacles in our way. Have you ever been there? I know that I am facing some tough situations that have left me shaken to my core. I am fighting with every fiber in my being to just get back to the closeness I once felt with God. I have not turned my back on God and He absolutely will never forsake nor abandon me. But sometimes when He is the closest we may feel Him the least. Did you catch that? Sometimes when He is the absolute closest to us, we may feel His presence the least. He is teaching us to wait and to trust, instead of to fear and run.

Verse 1
I want to sit with verse one for a minute. I do not want to glaze past this key verse. If you want to have a close relationship with God, you can take a literal page from David's book and watch how he speaks to God. Watch how he composes his thoughts and how he makes his requests known. First and foremost David does not go to God with a list of a bunch of complaints. He does not lead with that, in fact, we will watch how he communicates with God, but the key to all of this is to first acknowledge God.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy steps.

David says in verse one, "Unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul." David goes straight to God and he says, "God, I lift my soul to You. This is bigger than me. This is smaller than you. You can handle this, God, but I cannot. I lift my soul to You." Have we done that? Believe me when I say that this particular study is more for me, Bridgett, than for you, the reader. I hope you get some revelation and clarity and encouragement from this, but I desperately need this right now.

Jesus said, in Matthew 6:9, "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name." His name is to be revered, respected, hallowed. We are to come to God with humble reverence knowing He is Sovereign. He is God. He is Holy. He is Righteous. He is All Powerful. We must not approach Him the way we speak to our fellow man. He is to be reverenced and respected. David said, "I lift up my soul to You, LORD." He is Jehovah. He is first and He is exalted. We must not forget that. Society tells us Jesus is our personal Savior and then we start putting God in a personal size box. Please do not do that! Yes it requires a personal relationship but it is not to diminish who He is.

Verse 2
Do you trust God? Do you really trust Him to take care of the things going left in your life? You try to do things upright with integrity, but are you allowing Jesus to take the wheel and be in full control of the destiny? Are you trying to manipulate the situation to go in the direction you think it should go? Remember what happened when Sarai gave Abram her handmaid to conceive children with? Sarai grew tired of waiting on God to open her womb so she took matters into her own hands, but it was not what God wanted.
Genesis 16:1 and 3: Now Sarai, Abram's wife bare him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar. And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife.
God promised to bless Abraham and Sarah with a son in Genesis 17:15-16. Abraham laughed and questioned how a child could be born of him who is 99 years old and Sarah that is 90? He said, "O that Ishmael might live before Thee God." But God said the blessing would not come through Ishmael, but through Isaac that Sarah would bear. Sometimes we get our hands in the mix and muddy the waters. God is trying to do something spectacular and they are not able to comprehend it, so they do not wait well. Could this be our story?

David says in the second verse, I trust You God. Don't let me be ashamed. In other words, he is putting his confidence and steadfast, unwavering faith in God. He is praying that God will not allow David to be put to shame in front of those who are watching him. He is asking for victory over his enemies. The devil is our enemy and he wants us to run in fear and cower when he threatens us. He is a liar and we must run to the shelter, the High Tower, and be saved!

Verse 3-7
These are David's requests:
*Do not let anyone who waits on You, God be ashamed.
*Let the ones who deal treacherously and sin without a reason be ashamed.
*Show me Your ways, O LORD.
*Teach me Your paths.
*Lead me in Your truth.
*Teach me.
*Remember Your mercies and loving kindnesses.
*Forget my sins from my youth.
*Forget my transgressions.
*According to Your mercy, remember me for Your goodness' sake.

He declares:
*You are the God of my salvation.
*I will wait on You all day.
*Your mercies and loving kindnesses are from eternity.

What does your list look like? David is asking for forgiveness and mercy. He wants to be pardoned and redeemed. He wants to be remembered by God. He wants God to teach him and lead him in God's ways. He knows he cannot do anything on his own. What are we saying to God? What declarations are we making? Are we willing to wait all day on God? Do we long for His salvation, His mercy, and His loving kindness?

Verses 8-10
David goes right into the characteristics of God.
+He teaches sinners the right way to go.
+He guides the humble in justice.
+He teaches the humble the right way to go.
+The paths of the LORD are mercy.
+The truth is for those who keep His covenant.
+The truth is for those who keep His testimonies.

Are you living your life in a way that reflects the righteousness of God? He teaches sinners and the humble. He is not just showing a few people the right way to walk, He teaches everyone. It is up to us individually if we say yes to His ways or yes to our own.

Verses 11
David repents of his sins. He asks God to pardon him for God's name sake. David knows he is not worthy of forgiveness: none of us are. God chooses to forgive us because He loves us that much! Do you have unconfessed sin in your life? Take the time now and ask God to blot it out. Ask Him to cleanse you from all filthiness of the flesh and all unrighteousness.

Verses 12-14
David says that the man who fears God will be taught what way to go. His soul will live at ease and his children shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." The LORD God will share intimately with those that fear Him. He shares secrets others cannot know and He will show them what He has promised them. Are we living in a way that this verse is about us? If not, we can repent like David did, and ask for that connection and partnership that God longs to have with us.

Verses 15-22
David has his eyes on God. If we keep our eyes on Jesus we will not fail. Remember Peter walked on the water with Jesus but the moment he stopped looking at Jesus and looked at his circumstances surrounding him, he began to sink. Matthew 14:29-31 And He said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous (violent), he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Are you like David with your eyes steadfast on God? Or are you more like Peter and you start out locked on the Master and then you feel the waves and violent wind and you know that it does not make sense for you to be able to walk on water and yet you are, and now confusion and doubt sweeps through your mind? Are you of little faith like Peter who started out well but then began to sense the trouble surrounding him? If you are more like Peter and less like David in this particular instance, just ask for Him to save you and He will immediately pick you up out of your miry clay and will set you in the safety of the boat. He will not leave you stranded. What if Peter did not ask for Jesus to save him? He would have struggled and possibly drowned in the horrible storm. Jesus did not let that happen, but Peter had to ask for His help. Are we still trying to prove that we are tough, or are we willing to stretch our hand out and ask the Master to save us?

Again in verse 20, David asks God to keep his soul because "I put my trust in Thee." He again asks that God not let him be put to shame for trusting in Him. He prays, "Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on Thee." In the waiting we must maintain our integrity and honesty. Though the promise seems to be delayed and we cannot see what God said He would give us, we cannot lose our faith and hope in the only Trustworthy God. We cannot give up in the waiting, but we must continue to trust Him. David ends with, "Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Are we asking Him the same thing?

God is a good, good Father. He is going to hear and answer our prayers. We can have confidence of this. 1 JOHN 5:14-15 And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask any thing according to His will, He heareth us; And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired (asked) of Him.

I pray that today's Bible study has been a blessing to you. It has been encouraging to me and I really hope it has been the same for you. It is good to find a place in the Bible where someone else was in similar situations and we see their prayers and questions and how God blessed them and answered them. We know we have confidence to ask for things from God that He wants us to have and we will have them. We may have to wait a lot longer than we anticipated and it can feel like we should just give up and walk away, but God is going to come through for us and it will be better than we ever could have imagined it to be.

God bless you!

~Bridgett Owens

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