Friday, October 30, 2020

Fuel Up | Fuel For The Weekend

God told me to share my faith on Fridays and call it Fuel For The Weekend. I wanted to do it. I thought about it. I tried coming up with ideas on my own, but I just came up short, so I put the idea toward the back of my mind, but the Holy Spirit continued to nudge me in this direction. I am going for it and it's my desire that the posts I put up on Fridays will give you something to think about, ponder, consider, and reflect on throughout the weekend.

The past two weeks I have been a spiritual battle with my finances. God warned me that I would by promising me, "This will be the last time you have to worry about money." I was so happy because I just got paid. I kind of laughed and said, "Okay, God, but... I'm not worried about money!" These last two weeks have been one trial after another, but more than that, one BLESSING after another! It was the hardest time I have faced yet but God saw us through and I believe today is our day of victory and breakthrough!

I was on my way home from work Tuesday. The Weather Channel was  filled with warnings and instructions for what to do in the face of Hurricane Zeta. I was on a phone call with my friend and we were praying and talking about how good God is and what He has been doing in our lives. It was bumper to bumper, worse traffic than usual. I didn't know what was going on but there were cars ahead as far as the eye could see and behind me as far as my vision allowed. I didn't get over 10 mph. Stuck on the bridge! We would creep and then crawl and then stop.... and repeat! I was not excited about being stuck on the bridge over the ocean. I glanced to my gauge and my heart nearly stopped! I had 12 miles left according to the reading on my dash. Amy and I prayed God would help me!

Not only was there not much gas in the tank and we were in a situation that did not show signs of improving, I was in the left lane and the shoulder was too narrow on that bridge for me to pull over. I couldn't get over to the right side if I tried! I knew it would not matter because I did not have any money for gasoline so no one could bring me gas anyway. I had to trust in God to get me home on very little gas.

We rounded the corner and it was several more minutes before I could see that the traffic stopped moving. The gauge read 11 miles of fuel left! I knew I had enough fuel to get to work that morning and back home that evening but it would not leave me much, but I hadn't counted on this happening. I prayed and called my kids. We prayed together and then I called Paul. My heart was in my throat and I wanted to have faith and not worry or fear but it was not looking good for me. I quickly told Paul what was going on and asked him to pray. He could tell I was concerned from the sound of my voice and he said he would pray. I immediately hung up and called my mom. The gas gauge dropped to 10 miles and we had barely moved at all! She quickly got off the phone so she could pray fervently!

All of a sudden it was like the flood gates were open and we were moving so quickly. I said, "God as an act of faith I am not looking at the gas gauge again. I trust You to get me home on these last 10 miles of gasoline." I did not look at the gauge again. Instead I thanked Him:
Thank You God for getting me off the bridge!
Thank You God for getting me through the tunnel!
Thank You God for getting me down this Interstate!
Thank You God for getting me to my exit!
Thank You God for getting me to DIP!
Thank You God for getting me through my last stop light!
Thank You God for all the green lights!
Thank You God for getting me on my road!
Thank You God for getting me to my driveway!
Thank You God for getting me home!

It took me over an hour to get home when I normally get home in less than 30 minutes. I looked at my gauge and this is what it said:

God is a miracle working God! I thank Him so much for all He has done. If you need something big and there is no way you can do it on your own, just ask Him and believe it! You will see the hand of God all over your life!

MARK 11:24 There I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
Friends, we serve a BIG God and there is nothing too hard for Him. Ask Him to do something impossible and watch how amazing He does it!

God bless you!

~Bridgett Owens

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