Friday, October 9, 2020

The Time is Now | Fuel For the Weekend

God  told me to share my faith on Fridays and call it Fuel For The Weekend. I wanted to do it. I thought about it. I tried coming up with ideas on my own, but I just came up short, so I put the idea toward the back of my mind, but the Holy Spirit continued to nudge me in this direction. I am going for it and it's my desire that the posts I put up on Fridays will give you something to think about, ponder, consider, and reflect on throughout the weekend.

Can you remember any of your goals that you set in January this year? I struggle to think back 9 months ago or even 8 months ago in February. Corona Virus has made the past 7 months feel like decades.

The good news is God was not sideswiped by Covid-19. He was not caught off guard or shaken. His plans are still moving forward. He still has an eternal purpose to fulfill through you and me. What is He doing right now in our community, our workplace, our homes, and inside our hearts? Can we align our goals and dreams to mirror His plan for us?

Today I am picking up things I set aside until “the right time.” I am pushing past procrastination to write this simple message of hope to you and as a reminder to myself that God is still working and we must get busy, too.

So many things are out of our control, but how we choose to respond to God’s call on our lives is something we can control. We can allow our circumstances to tie our hands and feet and keep us stuck in despair, or we can look to God the author and finisher of our faith to sustain us as we lean into Him and work where we can while we can. 

Hebrews 12:2

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

This verse in Hebrews reminds us that Jesus endured the cross for us. We may feel life is spinning out of control and get depressed about the restrictions pressed on us, but even the tough times we face are nothing compared to the torture and cruelty of the cross Jesus endured. This verse says we are to look to Jesus who starts and finishes our faith. He looked at the joy on the other side of the cross and was able to face the darkness head on. He despised the shame. It was nothing He wanted to do. He was obedient to His death and now He is at the right hand of the throne of God. He is exalted in heavenly places.

We can get through this year stronger than when we started. We can meet and exceed our goals from the beginning of the year. We can face every situation, every trial, every disappointment with purpose and grace as we remember why we are here. We must glorify our Father in heaven while we are on the earth. We need to pick up those things we sat aside until "later." Now is the time to work. We have a lot to do before Jesus comes back and there are still a few more days left in this month, and a couple more months left in this year.

Get your joy back! Saturate your spirit in the good news of God's Word. Tell someone about the goodness of God and what He is doing in your life, your job, your finances, your marriage, your parenting, and your church. If there is an area of your life you are not seeing good fruit, ask God to help you grow. He will do it! He is in control and He is doing great things! The Bible tells us He never slumbers or sleeps. He is fully engaged with the matters of our hearts and He knows what is happening around the globe. Take heart and be of good cheer. Jesus overcame the whole world and He daily loads us with benefits according to Psalms 68:19.

Be encouraged brothers and sisters. Jesus is coming back very soon to get His Bride. I want to be looking for Him, working for Him, and expecting His return. Don't miss heaven for the world. You have time now to work, let's be busy working for our Father.

God bless you,



  1. Yes, God is still working even I'm the midst of all this chaos!! Can't wait to see what He is doing!

  2. God is on the move!!! So excited about the things He is doing.
