Saturday, November 21, 2020

Oven vs God | Fuel For The Weekend

God told me to share my faith on Fridays and call it Fuel For The Weekend. I wanted to do it. I thought about it. I tried coming up with ideas on my own, but I just came up short, so I put the idea toward the back of my mind, but the Holy Spirit continued to nudge me in this direction. I am going for it and it's my desire that the posts I put up on Fridays will give you something to think about, ponder, consider, and reflect on throughout the weekend.

The theme this week is patience. We studied patience together Wednesday in James for the Bible study here on this blog. Then I talked about how I waited on God to give me a child in my Thankful Thursday post. God continued to deal with me on this same topic but gave me a whole new perspective on it and I am going to share that today for the Oven vs God Fuel For The Weekend post. I hope you are as blessed by this as I was when He gave it to me.

How many people have you watched bake a cake? Maybe you are the cake baker and can relate to what I am about to share. I took a Wilton cake decorating class and prior to that I used to bake cakes and cupcakes all the time. It was a quick treat and most people enjoy eating a piece of cake. Usually it does not take long to whip up the ingredients for the batter, mix in a bowl and pour into a prepared pan, and place in the oven. Once inside does anyone start yelling at the oven? "Hurry up! You're working too slow! I want to eat my cake right now and you are taking too long. It's like you don't want me to enjoy my cake. Why are you making me wait so long?"

The oven is working. It is baking the cake inside. If we turn up the heat, continue to adjust the temperature, or fan the door to see if it is done yet we will ruin the cake. It won't finish baking all the way through. No one wants to bite into raw cake batter. Why do we rush the Master with our prayer requests? We beg and plead and cry. We complain the results we want are taking too long. We get impatient and we cry and beg and plead again. We don't truly believe God will give us what we desire. Instead of preparing our requests according to scripture and presenting them to God then walking away trusting He will do the job, we stand around and attempt to rush Him and fan the door to check on the progress. This is not faith.

PHILIPPIANS 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

This verse tells us not to be anxious for anything but in every situation and for every request we are to pray and plead to the point of almost begging with a thankful heart and grateful attitude present our petitions to God. He is our Heavenly Father. He wants to give us good gifts and the desires of our heart. But there is a formula for this. We know that if we do not have faith the Bible says it is impossible to please God. It tells us that He does not work when people are doubting and full of unbelief. If we say things like, "It's never going to happen. I don't think God will do this for me. He probably is too busy to care about my concerns. I am not important enough to bother God with my problems," then we will not get God to move on our behalf.

JAMES 1:6-8 (6)But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. (7) For let not that man think he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (8) A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

We have to first ask in faith and not waver. We can't go back and forth between trust and fear. If we ask God to do something for us and He doesn't do it, there is a good reason for it. God is not up in heaven waiting on requests to say NO! He has a plan for our lives and if the request aligns with His purpose and His plan for our lives He will do it. If getting what we ask means straying from God or compromising our integrity, like any good father, God is not going to grant our request. Going back and forth in our minds about whether we are worthy or not, whether God wants to do it or not, and whether He will do it or not is like the waves rising and crashing in the ocean. The Bible tells us that no one who thinks like that should expect anything from God. And it further states that a person who thinks like that is unstable in all that they do.

My mom sings a song at church that says:

You can't hurry God. You'll just have to wait. Trust Him and give Him time. No matter how long it takes. He's the God that you can't hurry. He'll be there don't you worry. He may not come when you want Him but He's right on time.

I love that song and it's so true! You can't hurry God. His time is not our time. His ways are not our ways. He has a big picture in His mind of how things need to go for us. He wants to give us the things we ask for when we pray but we have to trust Him. We have to wait. Just like we trust our oven to bake the cake and we wait on the timer before we start checking on the progress and fanning the door. We know that we put batter into the oven but we trust that we are pulling out a cake. We may give God our mixed up messes but we hope to get back a beautiful blessing.

Let's put all of our hope and trust and faith in the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is faithful. He is true. He is lovely. He wants to bless us with the fruits of the Spirit and if we are working on patience this week, then Holy Spirit complete the work! Forgive us for being impatient and teach us Lord to wait well upon You!

Be encouraged friends. God is going to take care of His children. He always has and He always will. He will not abandon us. He will not forget us. He will not ignore us. He is working on our behalf even when we cannot see it. He is working all things for our good and we just have to learn to lean and depend on Jesus. Like the old song says, "I'm learning how to lean and depend on Jesus. I found out if I trust Him He will provide." No matter what you're going through, trust God, our Heavenly Father, and watch Him do great things!

I hope something I have said today encourages you. I hope it's been strength for your journey and light for your way. God bless you!

~Bridgett Owens

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