Friday, November 27, 2020

The Power Of Faith (Guest Blogger) | Fuel For The Weekend

God told me to share my faith on Fridays and call it Fuel For The Weekend. I wanted to do it. I thought about it. I tried coming up with ideas on my own, but I just came up short, so I put the idea toward the back of my mind, but the Holy Spirit continued to nudge me in this direction. I am going for it and it's my desire that the posts I put up on Fridays will give you something to think about, ponder, consider, and reflect on throughout the weekend.

Today I have a special guest. Amy Napier is my dear friend, prayer partner, and sister in Christ. She definitely knows a thing or two about faith. When she prays all of heaven pays attention and God moves on her behalf. I know this will bless you like it has me. Be sure to let her know that you appreciate her message in the comments below. 

As Christians, we have learned about faith and what faith is for years. Some of us may be new Christians and some may be more versed and truly have seen the works of faith. But whether you are a young Christian or a seasoned Christian, where is your faith today?

Faith is so much more than believing in God. Faith is how we build and grow a relationship with God our Father. It strengthens us and draws us nearer to the Father. God wants us to trust Him with everything in our lives. The big and the small. It was true in the Biblical times and it remains true today. If we put our trust and faith in Him, there is nothing that is impossible with God. (Matthew 19:26)

So many times when we face troubles and hardships we want to take control of the situation. Years ago when I had a problem or an issue that would come up, the first thing I would do is call my mom or a friend for advice on what to do or how to solve the problem. The bigger the problem the more people I would tag in searching frantically for answers. I was missing the mark, forgetting who created me, who was waiting patiently for me to run to Him and not to everyone else on my phone list.

When my son was in high school there was a really rough time for us as a family. There were many issues he was facing. Some of them were issues he had brought on himself. But one in particular I knew in my heart could take a very bad turn and could impact his life and ours. The choices he had made and the crowd he was with had quickly taken him down what seemed a road of no return. I couldn't reach him! No matter what I did or said or how long he was grounded things were getting worse. I was in a hopeless battle.

I can remember coming home from work so upset as I had been praying about this situation day and night. I grabbed his picture in the frame from my fire mantle and hit my knees and just prayed over him and the trouble that surrounded the problem. I was pacing the floor and pleading with God that He would open his eyes and bring a solution to us before things spiraled out of control and it was too late.

I walked out on my back porch and just shut my eyes and looked toward the heavens. God spoke to me and said, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalms 46:10) I opened my eyes and and He spoke to me again, "Be still and know that I am God!"

I had a peace that came over me and in that moment I knew that He was going to take care of this for me and for my son. I continued to pray and repeated in faith, I trust You God, I trust You God. I spoke it out loud and thanked Him for giving me the peace I needed though I did not know how He was going to work through this situation.

The next day at work, a co-worker walked into my office and brought me a wooden cross. She said while she was shopping, she had an overwhelming urge to buy this for me and bring it to me that day. The cross was beautifully painted and had little dainty flowers painted on it. As I looked at it and my eyes went toward the bottom of the cross, the scripture Psalm 46:10 was written on it, "Be still and know that I am God."

God had impressed upon my co-worker to get this for me because He wanted me to know in that moment who He is, what He was going to do, and to lay it down and trust in Him. I didn't know how or when He was going to help me, but I can tell you I knew He was going to do what He said.

It was about two weeks later when the problem that seemed like a mountain that was going to wreck my son's future, his goals and dreams, literally dissolved like snow in front of my eyes. God came in like a lion and tore up what was happening in my son's life. He removed people from his life, took things away from him that he didn't need, and got his life back on track for Him.

God wants us to trust Him. Not with the big things but with all things. Trusting Him is being obedient to Him when we can't see the outcomes, the plans, and the future. He willing to direct us and lead us in ALL things if we just lay it down and trust in who He is. I had to trust Him. I had to give it to Him totally. I didn't call my best friends and try to figure out what to do next. I didn't call my mother for advice on what she thought I should do. I went to my Father day and night in prayer, in a battle for my son's life and future.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him, and He will direct your path."

I could tell you many stories of how I have trusted God and He came swooping in and saved the day for me. I can tell you Bible stories of how He did it for His people throughout the Old and New Testaments. But I want to ask you the question today, Are you trusting God for everything? Are you laying it at His feet today and trusting whatever you have going on big or small? He is going to intervene on your behalf.

God loves us so much! He is a loving and patient God. He wants to give you peace today in your situation and take the stress of life, family, work and today away from you and replace it with His joy! He wants to lead you in His ways and change outcomes for your good. He wants to show up and show out and prove to you He is who He says He is.

Luke 18:27 "What is impossible with man is possible with God."

I pray today that you seek God with all of your heart, get alone with Him and open up to Him. He doesn't care about the etiquette of your prayer. He wants you to tell Him today your troubles, pains, fears, and unbelief and lay them at His feet. He desires your faith in Him that He is the God of hope and the only God that makes all things new. Our faith is strengthened when we truly believe Him for who He is. Will you trust Him when everyone else says, "It's over! Forget about it!"? God is saying, "Come to Me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." (Matthew 28:11)

He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Isaiah 43:19, "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Let go and let God! Let Him overtake your thoughts. Let Him show you today who He wants to be in your life. Have faith and trust Him and see what God can do!!

God bless you!!

~Amy Napier 

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