Friday, September 13, 2019

Rejoicing In Rejection

The email notification sounded on my cell phone. I looked at it and was instantly excited. I saw the name of the company I had applied for a job with, and the first words were congratulating me on my new job. I was overjoyed! I showed my pastor and we hugged and she and I got so excited! This is what I had been praying for, hoping for, and it seemed to come at just the right time. We were so excited.

A few minutes later I got another email from the same company. My heart sank. My countenance fell. She wanted to know what was wrong. I told her. There had been a mistake. The system sent that email to me in error. I was not selected for the position and they were not extending a job offer to me at all. I felt so sad and disappointed. I called the woman who sent the email. I wanted to be sure. She confirmed it. The job was not mine and never was. They had given the job to another applicant. It had been a mistake.

It felt cruel. My heart sank further. Reality set in that I am still without a job. I thought I would have a job by now. God told me that I would not be working as a nurse when I came to Alabama. He told me ahead of time that I would instead be writing books. I still have looked into jobs for nursing because it's safe and it's what I know, but He has blocked every opportunity I seek. Maybe I should just give up the search. I thought maybe I could do some work as a nurse until I could get my book published and then maybe scale back, but that is not His plan. I have to remember that He is the Watchman over my heart and He knows what is best for me and for our family.

When I saw this verse yesterday, I really did not want to blog about it today. That scripture means something more than what it appears, though, and I have to share it with you today. Do you want to feel joy down in the depths of your soul? Simply do what this passage says. It will change everything. The circumstances may not change. The email I got yesterday is not going to change. The situation may not improve, but joy is mine when I do this one thing.

Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

Do you know who said that? It was the apostle Paul. He was in prison and he penned this verse. I worked in a jail and I did not see many people rejoicing in there. I cannot even think of one. No workers were rejoicing. No detainees were rejoicing. The officers were not rejoicing. I can imagine there are not that many people in prison who are rejoicing either.

What does it even mean to rejoice in the Lord? To feel joy or great delight. I can understand rejoicing in the Lord when things are going great. It is easy to feel joy or great delight when God has answered our prayers, a bad situation turns into good, a missed opportunity turns out to be a blessing in disguise, our loved one recovers from an illness, the check comes in and it's bigger than we expected. We can get on board with rejoicing in the Lord then, right?

What about in the prison cell? What about when we are on the job and the coworker is speaking rough to us? What about the person who cuts you off in traffic? How much will you feel like rejoicing when the bills are due and the money is gone? How will it affect the way you rejoice when your child decides to rebel and live a lifestyle completely opposite from what you raised them to believe is right? What about when you get the job offer and they take it away?

Last night was prayer service. It is a one hour service to pray to God and be in His presence. Nothing extra going on. Just one hour alone with God as He is in the midst of us. I walked in feeling down and sad. I walked in feeling rejected and dejected. I felt like I was inadequate. I allowed one mishap with my email to steal my joy. Have you ever been there?

I walked to the second row and sat down. I felt low. I closed my eyes and began to just get my mind on God. I started thanking Him for just being God. I started praising Him and telling Him I love Him. I started singing softly to Him along with the music playing over the speakers. I just started leaning into Him. I told Him from my heart, "I just want to sit at Your feet. I don't want to know why this happened. I don't want You to explain it to me. I don't want anything from You. I just want You." I just felt peace. I felt joy start bubbling up in the depths of my soul. I did not ask for comfort. I did not ask for peace. I did not ask for joy. He freely gave me those things. I just wanted Him. I just wanted to be with Him. I knew if I was with Him I would be okay.

You see, we do not rejoice in the Lord because things are good. Paul did not tell them to rejoice so they would be blessed or receive something in return. No, we rejoice in the Lord because He alone is worthy of praise and honor. He is worthy of our great delight. He is still God no matter what situation comes against us. Regardless of the obstacle or the setback or the bad break, or the wrong doing, He is still God and worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.

He is a wonderful God and I love Him so much. I love Him more and more, minute by minute. I do not want to go through this life without Him for even one second. He is more important to me than the air I breathe. He is more precious to me than all the world's fortunes. He is more costly than rare treasures hidden in the earth. He is my all in all. He is my everything. He is all I need. I will rejoice in the Lord. I will say it again. I will rejoice in Him!

I am glad Paul wrote such a powerful reminder to us from the walls of a filthy prison. In the worst of circumstances, Paul knew the secret to real joy. Paul had experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ and he was never the same. He had unlocked the mystery of obtaining joy that settles down deep in your soul.

Once I shifted my eyes from my sad situation and put my eyes on my great God and King, I was able to see what truly matters. God is in control. He will give me whatever job I am supposed to have. He will see me through every setback. He will supply all my needs. He always has and He is not about to stop now. He did not bring us this far to forsake us now. I know great things are just up ahead and regardless of the bumps and bruises I may get along the way, I will rejoice in the Lord. All that is within me, I will bless His Holy name!

God bless you!
~Bridgett Owens

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