Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Builder & The Watchman

We are in the stages of looking at houses and just seeing what is available right now. We have been in several houses already and some are big, some are small. Some houses are well built and maintained, others are worn and in need of repair. Maybe the house you are living in needs some updating, remodeling, or a new coat of paint. Perhaps you are living in a brand new home filled with your favorite things. Much like these physical houses, our bodies are spiritual houses. Some of our spiritual houses are new, clean, and shiny. Others of us have spiritual houses that need repairs and are nearly in shambles. There are spiritual houses of all sizes, shapes, and conditions.

Have you ever been to a big city? Maybe you live in a big city. I come from a small town and when we moved here, our new hometown is a big city to us. In the Bible it talks about a city with a watchman on duty. Do you know the purpose of the watchman? Basically the watchman is a guard over the city. They stand on the wall and they are on the lookout for danger or suspicious people. Sometimes spies would try to gain entrance to a city and the watchmen would be on high alert for these types of people. The watchman was in charge of keeping the city safe by keeping danger outside the city walls. The watchman's job was very important.

Psalm 127:1
Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

The Bible says that unless God builds our spiritual house, our work is useless when we try to build it on our own. We can try to become good enough to win someone's approval. We can change our behavior to fit in with a particular crowd. We can build our spiritual house any way we choose, but it's useless without the Master Carpenter building it. Our foundations crumble without God. Remember when the Bible compares the man who built his house upon the sand and it crumbled? The one who built their house on the rock stood still against the crashing waves and mighty winds. We must start with the firm foundation of our faith in Jesus. Then He will start to build the doors, walls, windows, floors, ceilings, and so forth. He will create a home we want to live in and a home the Holy Spirit wants to dwell in.

A city is filled with people and possessions. The city represents our heart's desires, our aspirations, our wants, our dreams, our hopes, and our expectations. God gives us desires so that we may pursue His purpose and His plan for our lives. If we satisfy the lusts of our flesh, which we know from the Scriptures, that it wars against the Spirit, we will not be pleasing God. Guarding those frivolous, temporal plans and agendas are useless. We must let God give us hopes, dreams, aspirations, goals, and plans. We must ask Him to be the Watchman over our desires. The Holy Spirit will watch for dangers such as, puffed up spirits, haughty attitudes, and pride. The Holy Spirit is the Watchman that warns us of the danger of being full of ourselves. Let's seek God's desires for our life. I promise they are the best gifts we can hope for.

Brothers and sisters, I truly enjoyed today's Scripture. It reminds us that we are not our own. We are bought with a price. God will build our spiritual house to please and honor Him. He will guard our thoughts and hearts as we line up our will with that of the Master. Do you trust Him enough to do that today? I am giving Him my all today. Will you join me?

I hope something I have said has given you strength for your journey and light for your way. God bless you!

~Bridgett Owens

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